City Feet community boardSierra's diaryChocolate and cookies

Chocolate and cookies

For the last week, my mom has been touring Europe, with a 5 day stop in India. On her way back, she picked up some French chocolate for me. She thought I would like it because I love cupcakes and the chocolate is kind of shaped like a cupcake.


She also got me those earrings I'm wearing, in India.


And while we're on the subject of sweet things, I made cookies today! My first stop was at Kinnickinnick's, the gluten free shop a few blocks from Peter's house, to get a cookie mix that wouldn't make me sick. They love me there. I'm one of their best customers, since I'm always stopping by on the way to or from Peter's house to get something from their bakery. I picked up some tarts while there in addition to the cookie mix. They're so delicious!


After running a few more errands, I came home and made cookies!


Yum! They were really good.

posted 2010-11-26 07:51:54
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