City Feet community boardSierra's diaryRudolph the Dysfunctional Reindeer

Rudolph the Dysfunctional Reindeer

Today my mother asked me and my brother to decorate the house for Christmas. After 40 minutes of rummaging through the basement and garage, we finally found the majority of our Christmas decorations from before we moved up and and proceeded to set them up. Everything went smoothly until we got to setting up the oscillating light-up reindeer.


Every time we moved him, he came apart and we had to put him back together! Finally we resorted to setting him up outside.


I was so happy when we finally got him working that I gave him a hug.


After Rudolph was done, we set to decorating the Christmas tree.


I even found some of my favorite decorations from when I was a baby, little red styrofoam apples, and put them on.


Now all I need is some mistletoe.
posted 2010-12-02 09:32:07
Of course he's coming apart. In the presence of such a cute barefoot girl.
And haven't you ever had a "morning after"?
He's all excited and must have been celebrating, because he's a little "lit"
I mean, he's "wired" all the time,,,
And he seems to have a simple personality, I mean you can see right thru him.
O.K. enuf bad humor,
Happy Holidays (I can hear the wind outside,we have a lake effect blizzard advisory)

btw, how are the challenges or dares coming?
posted 2010-12-07 06:23:21
Hi Sierra, great pictures so far! I was all of your barefoot travels do you remember when your feet were the dirtiest and where did the dirt come from?
posted 2010-12-13 20:20:28
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