City Feet community boardSierra's diaryBare feet after camping

Bare feet after camping

Like I said in my last post, Peter made me wear shoes while we were camping. This was a really good idea on his part. Last time I went camping with him I was reluctant to wear shoes and I downright refused for part of the time and I ended up getting frostbite as a result. I was much more careful this time, but I still got a little bit of frostbite because my socks got wet.


The frostbite isn't serious at all, and it doesn't even hurt, but I still need to learn to be more careful. My feet are my most useful tools and one of my most prized possessions and I would hate to lose them!


On the tips of my toes, you can still see the parts where I got frostbite last time I went camping.


I got frostbite in the arch of my foot this time because of my stupid wet socks.


The blister you can see on my heel, as well as the red marks around it, are from wearing the stupid shoes I'm required to have on my feet at work, as per health code. It's ridiculous how much something that supposedly protects my feet actually damages them!


I love my feet, so I need to be nicer to them!


As much as I hate shoes, I have to wear them when I'm going to be outside in -20 C weather for extended periods of time. I don't want to get frostbite again.


Seriously, check out that frostbite!


I blame the dang socks I was wearing. Socks are even worse than shoes... They're worse than prison for your feet. Instead, they are a torture chamber of sweat and bacteria. Ugh. They're horrid things, and if I hadn't been wearing them I am positive I would not have gotten frostbite.


Poor feet. :(
posted 2010-12-28 10:15:03 , edited 2010-12-29 17:46:16
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