City Feet community boardSierra's diaryFrostnip


Over the last few weeks, Edmonton's weather has been bipolar. I'll wake up one day to sunshine and +8 degrees, and then when I wake up the next day it will be -30 again. As a result, I underestimated how cold it was one day last week and ended up getting frostnip so bad that it froze off my callouses.


It wasn't painful, because there's no feeling in callouses anyway, but it is rather annoying to see all of my hard work building up those callouses going to waste because I wasn't careful.


My mom felt bad for me, so she took me to get a pedicure!


I feel bad for the poor lady who had to scrub my feet.

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posted 2011-02-04 19:41:07
Hey Sierra! I think you're totally awesome! But I have to say that you're CRAZY! LOL. My question is this: I understand you HATE shoes & so do I. But I hate wearing winter clothes too. I would rather wear shorts & tee shirts but in the winter, it's much more uncomfortable to be out in the cold in shorts than it is for me to wear a heavy coat. That being said, how do you find it more comfortable or acceptable to walk barefoot in snow in -30* weather and actually get frostbite (which hurts) than to just wear a pair of boots or even those UGGS which are loose fitting & filled with fur when you walk outside? I would think the lesser of the two evils is to wear shoes (Not that I want you too. It's incredible seeing you barefoot out there!).
posted 2011-02-05 19:08:43
Hi Sierra

Now that your soles are soft again, isn't it hard to walk barefoot everywhere, specially in this cold weather?

How does the world feel now, through softened, smooth soles? The snow, the gravel, the coarse pavement?

What will you do to re-build your callouses?
posted 2011-02-09 17:19:01
We have something in common : our callouses !!! But your soles are naturally more attractive, because ... you are a girl !!! Let us continue to share the same passion to be barefoot, summer and winter alike ... Best regards from France, wonderful girl !
posted 2011-02-11 18:21:20
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