City Feet community boardSierra's diaryAngles and mirrors

Angles and mirrors

I was randomly feeling artsy, but I'm still kind of sick, so some of these shots are pretty cool while some of them are just really random and don't make sense.


I'm not quite sure how I managed to get dirt on the top of my foot. I blame my car.


I still have a little bit of callouses on the tips of my toes, but the rest is mostly gone from the stupid frostnip I got.


It's just weird how soft my feet are. They haven't been this soft since I was a little kid!


Edmonton puts sand and gravel on the roads instead of salt, and it sticks to the bottoms of my feet.


I'm starting to get scars in the areas that get frostnip a lot.


This is my version of "the pose," a pose where both the bottoms of your feet and your face are visible at the same time.


Over-the-shoulder shots don't always work.


Mirror pic, yay!


Edmonton is way too clean of a city. My feet never get dirty!

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Coming soon: Cigarette put out on my foot, with video!
posted 2011-02-04 19:48:35
Is this closeups?*-*|||
If you like "Artistic",you can use "LOMO Camera"take the pinture.
posted 2011-02-06 03:18:21 , edited 2011-02-07 09:20:15
"Coming soon: Cigarette put out on my foot, with video! "

Wow, cool! It will be nice to see this video, hopefully in the next update.
posted 2011-02-23 23:55:28
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