City Feet community boardSierra's diaryDancing and sunshine

Dancing and sunshine

I've had some crazy times and haven't really had a chance to upload some older pics from last month, so here you go! The cast on my arm is from breaking my wrist. I slipped on ice (while wearing shoes, at my doctor's insistence) and smacked it pretty hard. I'm ok now though! More pics are coming!


After I broke my wrist, I went to stay with my parents so they could take care of me. My brother took advantage of how loopy my pain meds made me and took pictures of me dancing around the living room.


My dancing skills when I'm stoned aren't as beautiful as my normal dancing.


Once upon a time, I was a ballerina.


And those these pictures do quite a good job at concealing my talent, a few years ago I got a little bit famous when I competed in a national cha cha competition.


After a long and snowy winter, the sun had finally come out.


Here comes the sun, do a do do. And I say it's alright.

posted 2011-03-19 19:56:19
Welcome back Sierra! It's good to have you here again.
posted 2011-03-19 20:23:19
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