City Feet community boardPolina's diaryBarefoot in the town. Dirty soles :-)

Barefoot in the town. Dirty soles :-)

This barefoot walk was in my birth town (summer 2010). It was extrimely summer in Russia - 30 degress and higher. Asphalt was very hot.. Shade places and grass were a little rest to me:-)
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posted 2011-04-04 20:04:32 , edited 2011-04-04 20:20:52
Ah, you sweet,lovely Russian girl! You look so gorgeous and happy in bare feet!

Your diary keeps getting better and better...I am looking forward to the warm weather in Russia, I wonder how you would surprise us, how you would delight us walking barefoot everywhere!

It's wonderful how the dirt highlights the delicate shape of your beautiful feet.

Thanks for the update Polina!


posted 2011-04-04 20:27:30
DG, thank you for so nice comment!
It's pleasure to know you like my diary. And I really hope, other members of city-feet like it too.

I spent all day long in bare feet, it was a really hot weather and I didn't want (and can not=)) to wear my shoes.
I was walking by hot asphalt and it was roasting my soles :-)
I had found places to feel cool - on grass (it was so nice by touching), in cafes. All these photos I'll post soon.
Sure wonderful time!
posted 2011-04-04 20:42:32
Hi, Polina! If it's not a secret could it be answered what is your native town? Did it take long time and a lot of will efforts to get used to long barefooting on hot asphalt and similar pavement?
posted 2011-04-05 11:19:56
Hi, Michael!
It's a little secret about my native town :-)
It is not too far from Moscow, but enough far not to be moscow girl :-)

Yes, I guess it takes lots of, but I can walk in bare feet quiet nice. But if I'd be more accostomed, barefoot walks on hot ashalt would be more comfortable.
Soon I'll have a practice ;)
posted 2011-04-07 16:29:37
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