City Feet community boardSierra's diarySpringtime and puddles

Springtime and puddles

Warm temperatures and sunshine means that the grass is back!


The grass is saturated with water from the melting snow.


It feels great to squish between my toes.


Because of all of the runoff of melting snow, the sidewalks are flooded with puddles. They are great fun to walk through.


I am loving the sunshine. I missed it so much during those dreary winter months of snowfall.


The snow is still here, though.


We got a freakish amount of snow this winter. It is going to take a while for it all to melt.


Until it all melts, I get to play in puddles.


Peter is taking the pics for me. Yay for him being willing to help me out.


He likes it when I come visit him because I am his awesome model fiancée.


It is finally warm enough to play outside and sit on the porch and watch the sun rise. That is our plan for tomorrow. We are going to watch the sun rise and have homemade pancakes.


Ok, at this point he was just having fun and taking pics of me from random angles.


PS, I have no idea where the shirt I am wearing came from. It just showed up in my drawer this morning.


We walked around West Ed parking lot while running errands today. There was broken glass everywhere, but it was no match for my tough soles.


Even the tops of my feet managed to escape unscathed.


My only injury so far this season is this bruise on my toe. I kicked a really big rock by accident and got this as a result.
posted 2011-04-05 21:58:30 , edited 2011-04-05 21:59:31
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