City Feet community boardSierra's diaryRainy day special, part 2

Rainy day special, part 2

Peter and I took pictures in the park. This is part 2. Part 1 is below this one.


Last time I did this, I had to go to the hospital to get put back together.


I was more careful this time.


Baby swing!


I`m horizontal!


Close up of my sandy feet.


I`m not really sure what this thing is, but it looked like a big fat man to me, so I tried to be a big fat man too.


The resemblance is uncanny.


Oops, forgot my feet in the last one. Here you go!


Oh look, a shopping cart.


Oh no, I crashed!


Don`t worry, I`m just pretending to be dead.

posted 2011-05-25 19:08:18
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