City Feet community boardPolina's diaryPart 4. The end.

Part 4. The end.

Hi dear friends!=)
posted 2011-07-05 13:50:46
Hi dear Polina!

Excellent pictures, thank you! Your feet are very beautiful, specially with tough, dirty soles.

Hope you're barefoot most of the day. Wear shoes only when it's strictly necessary, unavoidable. Otherwise, be barefoot, everywhere, anytime.

Are you going to put your soles through more endurance tests soon, what's your plan?

What's the longest you've been barefoot? A day? A weekend? A week? I guess your neighbours are used to seeing you barefoot all the time :-)

Is it possible for you to scan your soles at the internet cafe, do they have a scanner there?
posted 2011-07-06 11:10:49
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