City Feet community boardPolina's diaryEn el mercado

En el mercado

Hola, chicos! =)
Today I have one day out of my study so ohhh I was on the sea, before it walked to central market of Barcelona!
Can you imagine how many different things there are!! Fruits and sweets! In Russia I could not imagine it =)
So firsts photos of this day, and later I will upload video
posted 2011-09-03 16:32:09
Lovely pictures Polina! Specially those by night, the colour is beautiful! Your camera is really good.

Did you find your leather ankle bracelets? Hope you wear them for the next update.

How tough your soles are by now? Will you walk and run on sharp gravel again soon? Is there place in Barcelona that could challenge your feet?

Hope you take some pics of you in the bus, train, etc.

Have a good week!
posted 2011-09-04 09:29:16 , edited 2011-09-04 20:22:23
You have a video too? Cool!
posted 2011-09-04 16:44:30
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