City Feet community boardPolina's diaryPart 3

Part 3

posted 2011-09-19 13:27:09
Eres una mujer muy hermosa Polina, y tus pies son perfectos, realmente muy bellos.

Pero eso ya lo sabes :-)

It's nice to see you're walking barefoot much more often and longer than in Russia. Are you sure they forbid you to be barefoot in class, have they told you so?

Do your school mates know you're a barefooter, what do they say? And your friends at the flat? They must be surprised to see you leave the apartment barefoot, and come back just the same, hours later :-) Aren't they curious, have they checked the bottoms of your feet to see how they look and feel?

BTW, did you find the ankle bracelets? It would be nice that you wear them again.

Now that you're walking barefoot more often, have you noticed any changes on the soles of your feet? Do they feel harder, rougher? Are your feet stronger now? It would be nice if you can run barefoot on sharp gravel, rocks, etc. to see if your feet have become tougher.

You were planning to do a glasswalk, weren't you? Are you ready for that, or not yet?

Have a good evening!


posted 2011-09-19 21:15:05
Ciudad afortunada, Barcelona! Hasta su llegada, se hizo famoso por la belleza de sus monumentos, la arquitectura, la movida.
Hoy en día, la gran Rusia le dio a su chica más hermosa.
Caminando en un parque, puede encontrarse con ella y admirarla.
Bienaventurado el pueblo de Barcelona!
posted 2011-09-22 21:58:26
Pierre, I don't know spanish so good, but I used the translator to understand everything=)
Thanks for these words!
It seems like I'm one barefoot girl in Barcelona =(
posted 2011-09-24 17:39:17
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