City Feet community boardPolina's diaryPart 4

Part 4

Hola, chicos!
Si, my Spanish is better =)
After big trip in the park, we were going to the market to buy something to eat. In the trade zone it is not allow to take photos but here are photos of other part of shopping center.
People were very surprised to see me barefoot in the market, with dirty soles =)
posted 2011-09-22 18:39:46
Yeah, when I was growing up (1960's - 1970's), it was a lot more common to see people walking barefoot in public then it is now. A symptom of general decline in the culture, in my opinion.

BTW, who is the lucky one that travels the world with you to take the photos you post here?

Raining for a week in New England USA,

posted 2011-09-24 15:50:55
Really in that time it was more often to see barefoot people??
I though just in Russia there not barefoot persons, but in Barcelona there a lot I guessed. Caz really its great place to be barefoot. But I have seen just 3 barefoot persons during 1 month my staying here. But it is more then in Russia anyway)

These photos took my good Spanish friend, who help me a lot with my staying here and who was searching a flat for me. He is a very kind person and likes to be barefoot too =)

Prospector, do you live in USA?
Next my update will be the day where I was walking under the rain =)
posted 2011-09-24 17:46:38
Hi Polina;

Sorry to be late with my reply, but I was away for a few days visiting my parents. Here in the northeast corner of the USA it was fairly common in the 1960's and 1970's to see people walk barefoot in public, now it is much less so. Of course, i also did not spend nearly so much time stuck in an office then as now lol.

It is strange, but it seems many people are offended by bare feet in places where they don't expect to see them. Fortunately, I have never had this problem!

Que te vaya bien, senorita!
posted 2011-09-28 02:06:58
Hola, Prospector!

In Russia it never been common to see barefoot people in the public places (may be just in some villages near their homes). And in Spain I've just few times seen barefoot people. It was in the parks.
It is very sad =(
posted 2011-10-01 20:54:20
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