City Feet community boardPolina's diaryLlueve


In this rainy rainy day I was very happy caz I love love love be barefoot under the warm rain=)
and caz I have seen 3 (3!) barefoot persons!
One boy was with girlfriend and he was barefoot but she was not.
And a barefoot couple was barefoot under umbrella and was very happy)
You can see photo of them in this topic=)

and other variant in spanish.
specially for DG and for my practice)))
I know there are many mistakes, but in my english many mistakes too..=)
En este dia lluvioso yo estaba muy feliz porque me encanta estar descalza debajo de la lluvia.
Y porque yo he visto 3 personas descalzos!
Un chico estaba con su novia. El estaba descalzo pero ella no.
Y ademas una pareja estaba descalza bajo el paraguas y estaba muy feliz=)
Podeis ver estos photos en esta tema.
Un abrazo=)
He noticed me =)
posted 2011-10-05 22:10:52 , edited 2011-10-05 22:14:48
Excellent Polina! Your Spanish is improving really fast, congratulations!

Qué feliz se te ve en esta foto, me alegra mucho verte así.

What does your mom say about you going barefoot all the time, everywhere?

And what does she say about your soles being hard and rough? Does she like your feet to be tough? Does she check your feet to see their progress?

Does your mom like when you burn your soles with cigarettes? When you walk barefoot on sharp gravel, rocks? Is your mom going to put cigarettes out on your soles again Polina, does she burn them often?
posted 2011-10-06 00:34:00 , edited 2011-10-06 14:01:17
Beautiful photographs.
Romantic and the first and the second couple of boyfriends.
All seem happy to walk barefoot (or almost barefoot) in the rain.
Also very nice the dog.
posted 2011-10-06 22:00:23
  • Total items: 2, this page: 2
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