City Feet community boardPolina's diaryOne more warm day =)

One more warm day =)

Just beautiful Barcelona's streets=)
This is symbol the place where you can charge your moto =))
Park Ciutadella
Los pajaros, las barcas, etc.=)
posted 2011-10-13 21:30:13 , edited 2011-10-13 21:32:18
Very nice city !

And with the possibility to use electric motos : are they to rent or you have to buy yours ?

Are you barefeet all the time ? I hope so...

Why your mother does not like how your soles are becoming ? Strong and maybe tough and callused...maybe in spain you will stay barefeet all the year...
posted 2011-10-14 18:15:25
Clipper, hi!
I don't know yet about motos really.
But there are many bicycling, and I can rent them for 30euro per 1 year!!

I am barefoot most of time, caz it's really possible here
My mother worked in beauty salon so she likes well-groomed and soft feet...
posted 2011-10-15 22:49:47
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