City Feet community boardPolina's diaryCon mi amigo

Con mi amigo

Hola, chicos!
Felicitades! Hoy es el dia de las personas que creen en el amor =)
Aqui hay dos fotos con mi amigo de Barcelona.
A el le gusta caminar descalzo tambien por eso a veces caminamos juntos =)

Hi, guys!
Congratulations! Today is the day of people who believe in love =)
Here are two pictures with my friend in Barcelona.
He likes to walk barefoot too so sometimes we walk together =)

posted 2012-02-14 15:26:28
Two who believe in Love! No more will the stones of life hurt your feet, for both will walk together in the sky. Who knows, but someday you will be known as "Donna Polina"!

Good to hear you are living life to the fullest.

posted 2012-02-18 16:18:57
Hi, Prospector!
Thank you so much for kind words=)
I like Barcelona y try to do all the best=)
This is just my good friend, who has intereses similar
You know, it's better sometimes walk barefoot with company, no alone=)
posted 2012-02-18 16:59:43
  • Total items: 2, this page: 2
  • 1

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