City Feet community boardDeiniris diarywhat is your star sign?

what is your star sign?

i was walking in a very nice park here in moscow. it has statues of all the star signs. what star sign are you? i'm aries. aries are very impulsive and love adventures :)

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attached videoclips: barefoot girl video

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posted 2012-04-08 11:04:09
It is clear you love adventures!

There's still snow everywhere! Will you be barefoot all day long on Tuesday, April the 10th? It's "One day without shoes" I hope you support this event.

And starting April 15th.... No more shoes for you!


posted 2012-04-08 13:17:56
i would love to join, but if the weather is like now, it will be very difficult to work all day barefoot... i'm so sorry if i can't :(
posted 2012-04-08 13:41:41
If the weather is too cold and it's not safe, don't worry: your safety and health are first!!!

How does it feel to be a barefooter, Nastya? That people stare at you for not wearing shoes, that they look intently at your bare feet?

And how does it feel that your soles get harder, rougher, tough?

What do your friends, your family say about you being a barefooter? People at work?

Are your friends curious about your feet, to see how tough your soles are?

Have your friends ever used your soles as ashtrays? Will they?

What has been your greatest barefoot adventure?

And... how it was that you became a barefooter? Tell us your story!

It is great that you are going to put your feet through more challenges! I wonder what's next to come.

Hope that in the next video you talk to the camera, to us. Whether in English, Russian, Na'vi, Sindarin, Klingon or whatever language you want... but with subtitles please! :-)

Keep barefooting and enjoying it!


posted 2012-04-08 13:53:36
How does it feel to be a barefooter, Nastya? That people stare at you for not wearing shoes, that they look intently at your bare feet?

And how does it feel that your soles get harder, rougher, tough?

What do your friends, your family say about you being a barefooter? People at work?
= my friends and family now i like to be barefoot. they think it is fun. about 24/7 not yet, but they will see ;)

Are your friends curious about your feet, to see how tough your soles are?
= yes, all my friends are looking at them, but yet, only my best friend has inspected them :)

Have your friends ever used your soles as ashtrays? Will they?
= no.. no... i hope i get a bunch of fans together and everybody can have a go :)

What has been your greatest barefoot adventure?
= nothing mentionable.. but soon, i start a great one: i will travel countries barefoot!

how it was that you became a barefooter? Tell us your story!
= i liked beeing barefoot in my childhood. and now, with all the attention i get, i feel more natural and accepted :)

i recommend everyone to walk barefoot sometimes
kis kiss
posted 2012-04-08 16:04:42
lovely pics deiniris, playfull and sexy. I'm pisces and the body part it represent is the feet :).
posted 2012-04-10 03:35:13
oh this is interesting!
Pisces - The Feet (Most people are not "mentally connected" to their feet if you know what I mean, they're not aware of them. Just like they're unware of their subconcious, which Pisces rules.)
and i'm
Aries - The Head (They lead head first and tend to charge right into a situation, also the "horns" of the Ram to batter down an adversarial event.)
posted 2012-04-12 09:56:26
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