City Feet community boardLuz Eline's diary¡¡ Plaza de armas Arequipa Perú a medio día...!!

¡¡ Plaza de armas Arequipa Perú a medio día...!!


caminando por la plaza de armas de Arequipa un día soleado y muy caluroso haciendo una de las tantas cosas que me agradan :D

walking down the main square of Arequipa a very hot sunny day and doing one of the many things I like: D
posted 2012-12-26 20:03:08 , edited 2012-12-26 20:10:04
Great pictures Luz Eline, thank you so much!

You look so happy walking barefoot in public, in the street! You really love being a barefooter, don't you? How tough your soles are by now, what's your goal? On what kind of things do you want to walk barefoot on, how tough you want your soles to become?

Keep updating your Diary frequently, your lovely pictures are always welcome.

Have you considered wearing leather anklets as you walk barefoot outside?

What do your friends, your family say about you being a barefooter? Do they want to see the soles of your feet, to see how tough, how rough they are?


posted 2012-12-26 21:11:11
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