City Feet community boardDeiniris diarywash my feet

wash my feet

i wash my feet before i go to bed. here the streets and grounds are not so dirty how in big cities, so the feet not get so dark. i'm happy the dirt here on the streets is more natural and easy to wash off. maybe even get good influence to my skin! after washing them i sometimes massage them. i not use any creams or oils. should i?

[68221.jpg] [68222.jpg] [68223.jpg] [68224.jpg] [68225.jpg] [68226.jpg] [68227.jpg] [68228.jpg]

posted 2013-04-27 06:23:17 , edited 2013-04-27 06:25:57
No,not use creams or oils,this things will make your soles skin softer,and instead you need it harder...

Very nice feet shapes...
posted 2013-04-27 11:29:25
It is nice how the entire arch of your foot does not touch the ground and stays clean. Good, strong arches are supposed to mean less foot and back pain. Walking barefoot helps maintain their strength, too.
posted 2013-04-28 01:50:24
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