City Feet community boardDeiniris diarythe anti love post

the anti love post

i don't know if it is really a world crisis, or do people get more primitive?
this is to the people who are asleep through life and not see that many people need help now.
this is to the creeps trying to break me, because they think so high of themselfs.
this is to the guys who only want more, and not give a bit of emotion.
this is to the boys who lie their ways through life and not discovering more then their cocks.

it is people like to blame it all on! i'm showing a piece of myself, try to share some love. and show a way of peace. all i want is just some respect and be valued equal. this should be fun!!! it is not like i get paid riches to do this.

so to all who not like what i do:
suck my dick!

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posted 2013-09-16 23:48:00 , edited 2013-09-16 23:52:29
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