City Feet community boardDeiniris diarystepping on a tiny

stepping on a tiny

i met a ''Tiny'' today
i almost stepped and crushed him under my big feet!

the Tinies are ant-size human-like people.
a little primitive how they try to get attention from bigger beings is to attemp get crushed by their feet..
they are also highly perverted species, once you atknowlege them, they stay all day between your toes and love to lick clean every part of your body!

my tiny friend is calles Michael and we are planning to bring our two very different worlds together by throwing a big party! all tinies are welcome to join

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posted 2013-12-01 23:23:57
Be careful Nastya! It's good you noticed it. He for sure loves your permanently bare feet and your toughened soles, doesn't he?
posted 2013-12-03 00:09:06
no, he loves me for a whole lot other reasons *wink*
posted 2013-12-07 22:02:00
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