City Feet community boardDeiniris diarynew costume, working title ''space candy''

new costume, working title ''space candy''

got today a new costume! super sexy and incredible comfortable catsuit made of latex. i had to wear it and show it to you as a little preview! :D
i will use it for my future ''space candy'' projects and some accessories are still missing so look forward to it ;)

from close admirers i already got complimented how my calloused feet get thicker and stronger looking. i hope you agree :)

look at my doggy tuco, he enjoys to be a little slave ;)

[76121.jpg] [76122.jpg] [76123.jpg] [76124.jpg] [76125.jpg] [76126.jpg] [76127.jpg] [76128.jpg] [76129.jpg] [76130.jpg]
posted 2014-04-11 03:56:46 , edited 2014-04-11 03:59:39
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