City Feet community boardDeiniris diarySingle Geisha looking for...

Single Geisha looking for...

open minded and spiritual people. common interest and understanding of how to achive world peace is essential. if you are a man, you have to be barefoot! ;) through i'm living in a artist/burlesque/bohemian/rebel lifestyle i can not travel to far, but welcome everyone here to share joy and new ideas :)
finding each other and building a connection is the first step <3

[77050.jpg] [77051.jpg] [77053.jpg] [77054.jpg] [77055.jpg] [77056.jpg] [77057.jpg] [77058.jpg]
posted 2014-05-20 09:46:20
Maam i want to meet u and like to kiss ur feet sole
posted 2014-06-05 17:59:27
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